
Fire Marshal's Office

Investigation, Education, Prevention and Protection.

The County Fire Marshal’s Office operates under Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement, which is a division of the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA). The Fire Marshal’s Office is the designated liaison agency and emergency response team providing support to the County’s fire departments and the towns of Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville, Huntersville, Cornelius, and Davidson. We also service the unincorporated areas of Mecklenburg County and the six fire districts within Charlotte’s ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction). These areas include Steele Creek, West Mecklenburg, Cooks, Long Creek, Robinson, and Carolina.

The Fire Marshal’s Office provides a variety of administrative and field based public safety services focused on ensuring fire and life safety through comprehensive fire code compliance inspections, public education, origin and cause investigations, and other community risk reduction programs. 

NOTE: For inquiries or service requests within City of Charlotte limits please contact the Charlotte Fire Marshal’s Office at (704) 336-2101 or email: [email protected]

Information and Resources